COM-TECH offers a complete range of Directional Couplers, from 7-16 to 6+1/8”, from 2 to 6 Slots. Each Slot accomodates one Probe; unused Slots are capped with a dummy lid.

  • 7-16,  7/8”: 2 or 4 Slots
  • 1+5/8”, 3+1/8”, 4+1/2”, RL-120: 3 or 6 Slots


COM-TECH provides a wide range of Accuprobe Equalized-Response Probes, in SMA or N Female, and for all Operating Bands. All COM-TECH probes are interchangeable, can be mixed-and-matched on all DC Series Directional Couplers, and are available in three different versions:

  • Single Accuprobe: Integrated Load and Short-Circuit Button
  • Dual Accuprobe: Simultaneous FWD and RFL Measurements
  • Non-Equalized Probe: For legacy and traditional applications.


COM-TECH Directional Couplers are designed and engineered with state-of-the-art techniques, and realized with cutting-edge manufacturing technology, in order to grant the maximum reliability and deliver the most advanced performances.

  • Accuprobe: Equalized-Response Probes
  • Modular Connector System
  • 10-Year Warranty


COM-TECH Directional Couplers use mnemonic codes:
[Product Series: DC]  [No. of Slots: 2, 3, 4, 6]  [Design: Accuprobe]  [Coaxial Size: 23, 39…] / [Number of probes: 1..6]  [Operating Band: C, B…]:

  • Eg. DC2A23/2C: DC Series, 2-Slot, Accuprobe, 7/8”, 2x UHF Probes
  • Eg. DC6A77/4B: DC Series, 6-Slot, Accuprobe, 3+1/8”, 4x VHF B.III Probes